Check out these tips to create the best content possible: Think about the person Whether when creating a blog post, an e-book, webinar or a SlideShare presentation, the first step is always, always, always, think about the person ! This represents the audience you want to reach, convince and, if possible, delight. Therefore, staying focused is what will lead you to produce the best content possible. Choose topics that are relevant to you, speak in a language that pleases them, think about what they already know about the subject and go beyond that.
Only use high quality images SlideShare is a highly visual network, since Bahamas WhatsApp Number presentations are basically made using slides. With that in mind, the choice of images is of utmost importance . Only choose images that relate to the topic you are talking about, even indirectly. In addition to that, make an effort in the selection and use only high-quality images, so that your presentation surprises the audience. There are many free image banks that you can explore to find something that fits what you need. Make an effort in choosing fonts We already know that images need to be high quality and that they take up most of the space on the slides.
On the other hand, the sources are not far behind in importance. Because The wrong choice of font can seriously affect the presentation, to the point of making the audience distracted and, ultimately, disinterested in what you have to say. So, choose fonts that are easy to read and aesthetically modern. In addition to that, learn to use bold , italics and always use colors that always contrast with the background image . Don't overfill the slides That famous phrase “less is more” is true in the case of a slide presentation. Instead of filling your slides with text and figures, keep it simple by using just one background image and a few sentences on each of them. If you have a graph to show, leave only the text in the legends or separate the graph into several slides, to facilitate the “digestion” of the information.