Many people do not disclose their income, but on average, if a person has half a million subscribers, one post will cost him about thousand rubles. Pricing options vary depending on various factors and the target audience. Not only the number of subscribers is taken into account, but also the activity of users in the form of likes and comments in the publishe post. Therefore, it is important to maintain contact with the public, understand its direction, mood and reaction to publications.
How much does one advertising post on Instagram cost? How much does an ad place on Instagram cost? Let's move on to real examples of how much they earn on Instagram from followers. Ad exchanges are Phone Number List the best way to see real prices. EpicStar, Sociate, and so on , in our case, we will use the Plibber service, where the exact prices for advertising are immeiately indicate. Here are a few accounts and their prices.

Luba arkasha , subscribers, price per post , rubles Antonlavrentiev , subscribers, price per post , rubles Sambursky , subscribers, the cost of postal services , rubles Namioff , subscribers, price per post rubles Rsenia spring love , subscribers, price per post rubles Art elf subscribers, price per post rubles Yulyashatrova subscribers, price per post rubles. As you can see, there is a fairly wide price range here. After analyzing the list, you can understand how many Instagram followers you nee to earn.